Saturday, March 31, 2012

All Secret Codes of Android Mobile Phones

Secret Codes For Android Mobile Phones:

1. Complete Information About your Phone

This code can be used to get some interesting information about your phone and battery.

Usage statistics

2. Factory data reset
This code can be used for a factory data reset. It'll remove following things:
Google account settings stored in your phone
System and application data and settings
Downloaded applications
It'll NOT remove:
Current system software and bundled application
SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
Note: Once you give this code, you get a prompt screen asking you to click on "Reset phone" button. So you get a chance to cancel your operation.

3. Format Android Phone

Think before you give this code. This code is used for factory format. It'll remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It'll also reinstall the phone firmware.
Note: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before giving this code.

4. Phone Camera Update

This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows following 4 menus:
Update camera firmware in image (Don't try this option)
Update camera firmware in SD card
Get camera firmware version
Get firmware update count
WARNING: Never use the first option otherwise your phone camera will stop working and you'll need to take your phone to service center to reinstall camera firmware.

5. End Call/Power

This one is my favorite one. This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. Be default, if you long press the button, it shows a screen asking you to select any option from Silent mode, AirPlane mode and Power off.
You can change this action using this code. You can enable direct power off on this button so you don't need to waste your time in selecting the option.

6. File Copy for Creating Backup


This code opens a File copy screen where you can backup your media files e.g. Images, Sound, Video and Voice memo.

7. Service Mode

This code can be used to enter into Service mode. You can run various tests and change settings in the service mode.

8. WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:

*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* - WLAN test (Use "Menu" button to start various tests)

*#*#232338#*#* - Shows WiFi MAC address

*#*#1472365#*#* - GPS test

*#*#1575#*#* - Another GPS test

*#*#232331#*#* - Bluetooth test

*#*#232337#*# - Shows Bluetooth device address

9. Codes to get Firmware version information:

*#*#4986*2650468#*#* - PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate

*#*#1234#*#* - PDA and Phone

*#*#1111#*#* - FTA SW Version

*#*#2222#*#* - FTA HW Version

*#*#44336#*#* - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number

10. Codes to launch various Factory Tests:

*#*#0283#*#* - Packet Loopback

*#*#0*#*#* - LCD test

*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* - Melody test

*#*#0842#*#* - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)

*#*#2663#*#* - Touch screen version

*#*#2664#*#* - Touch screen test

*#*#0588#*#* - Proximity sensor test

*#*#3264#*#* - RAM version
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Exception Handling in PL/SQL

In PL/SQL, any kind of errors are treated as exceptions. An exception is defined as a special condition that change the program execution flow.

In PL/SQL there are two types of exceptions:
1)Internal exceptions that occur when a PL/SQL block does not comply with a rule of the server
2)External user-defined exceptions, which are declared in section declarativa block, subroutine or package and which are activated explicitly in the executabila block, PL/SQL.

Structure of Exception Handling.
The General Syntax for coding the exception section

Declaration section
Exception section
WHEN ex_name1 THEN
-Error handling statements
WHEN ex_name2 THEN
-Error handling statements
-Error handling statements

Example :
The following example illustrates the programmer-defined exceptions. We get the salary of an employee and check it with the job’s salary range. If the salary is below the range, we raise exception BELOW_SALARY_RANGE. If the salary is above the range, we raise exception ABOVE_SALARY_RANGE.

-- define exceptions
-- salary variables
n_salary employees.salary%TYPE;
n_min_salary employees.salary%TYPE;
n_max_salary employees.salary%TYPE;
-- input employee id
n_emp_id employees.employee_id%TYPE := &emp_id;
SELECT salary,
INTO n_salary,
FROM employees
INNER JOIN jobs ON jobs.job_id = employees.job_id
WHERE employee_id = n_emp_id;

IF n_salary < n_min_salary THEN
ELSIF n_salary > n_max_salary THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Employee ' || n_emp_id ||
' has salary $' || n_salary );

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Employee ' || n_emp_id ||
' has salary below the salary range');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Employee ' || n_emp_id ||
' has salary above the salary range');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee ' || n_emp_id || ' not found');
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What are PL/SQL Triggers

PL/SQL Triggers

A trigger is a PL/SQL block which will run automatically whenever an event occurs. PL/SQL block may be associated with a table, a view or to a database. OR simply, A trigger is a procedure to be run automatically when it is launched on the table associated with a command to the insert, update, or delete.

The general syntax is :

[OF column_name]
ON table_name
WHEN (condition)
--- pl/sql statements
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Parameters-Procedure and Function in PL/SQL

How to pass parameters to Procedures and Functions in PL/SQL ?
In PL/SQL, we can pass parameters to procedures and functions in three ways.

1) IN type parameter: These types of parameters are used to send values to stored procedures.
2) OUT type parameter: These types of parameters are used to get values from stored procedures. This is similar to a return type in functions.
3) IN OUT parameter: These types of parameters are used to send values and get values from stored procedures.

Explanation :

1) IN parameter:
This is similar to passing parameters in programming languages. We can pass values to the stored procedure through these parameters or variables. This type of parameter is a read only parameter. We can assign the value of IN type parameter to a variable or use it in a query, but we cannot change its value inside the procedure.

The General syntax to pass a IN parameter is

param_name1 IN datatype, param_name12 IN datatype ... )

param_name1, param_name2... are unique parameter names.
datatype - defines the datatype of the variable.

IN - is optional, by default it is a IN type parameter.

2) OUT Parameter:
The OUT parameters are used to send the OUTPUT from a procedure or a function. This is a write-only parameter i.e, we cannot pass values to OUT paramters while executing the stored procedure, but we can assign values to OUT parameter inside the stored procedure and the calling program can recieve this output value.

The General syntax to create an OUT parameter is

CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE proc2 (param_name OUT datatype)

The parameter should be explicity declared as OUT parameter.

3) IN OUT Parameter:

The IN OUT parameter allows us to pass values into a procedure and get output values from the procedure. This parameter is used if the value of the IN parameter can be changed in the calling program.

By using IN OUT parameter we can pass values into a parameter and return a value to the calling program using the same parameter. But this is possible only if the value passed to the procedure and output value have a same datatype. This parameter is used if the value of the parameter will be changed in the procedure.

The General syntax to create an IN OUT parameter is

CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE proc3 (param_name IN OUT datatype)

Example :

Using IN and OUT parameter:

Let’s create a procedure which gets the name of the employee when the employee id is passed.

SELECT first_name INTO emp_name
FROM emp_tbl WHERE empID = id;
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

PL/SQL Functions

What is a Function in PL/SQL?
A function is a named PL/SQL Block which is similar to a procedure. The major difference between a procedure and a function is, a function must always return a value, but a procedure may or may not return a value.

The General Syntax to create a function is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name [parameters]
RETURN return_datatype;
Return return_variable;
exception section
Return return_variable;

1)The header section defines the return type of the function. The return datatype can be any of the oracle datatype like varchar, number etc.
2)The execution and exception section both should return a value which is of the datatype defined in the header section.

For example, let’s create a frunction called ''employer_details_func' similar to the one created in stored proc

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employer_details_func
emp_name VARCHAR(20);
SELECT first_name INTO emp_name
FROM emp_tbl WHERE empID = '100';
RETURN emp_name;
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Thursday, March 08, 2012

How to change facebook page name if it has more than 100 likes?

Facebook created an official Form in which you have to fill some required information to change your Facebook Page name which has more than 100 Likes.

Go To This Link , fill up the form and you will get an email regarding this.

Click here to change page name

The email which you will get will look like this


We may be able to assist you with this request. In order to update your Page name, please make sure to provide the following information:

If you selected, "My Page name has changed," please make sure that you have attached documentation showing your new business name as well as its address. An example of this is a utility or phone bill.

If you selected, "My Page name is misspelled," sit tight and we will get to your request as soon as possible.

Please note these changes may take up to 3 days to process. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Apple Unveils New LTE iPad feaures and pricing of wifi only and 4g models

The iPad 3 -- or, as Apple says, the new iPad.
The company made the big reveal on stage at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts — home of Apple’s first two iPad launches.

It will hit stores on Friday, March 16 not only in the U.S., but also in Japan, UK, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Singapore and Austria.

The features :

The iPad will also feature a retina display with 2048 x 1536 pixels, and 264 pixels for each inch. It will include 44% greater saturation and A5x quad-core graphics.

It will have 10 hours of battery life for wifi, and 9 hours on 4G.

The iPad will feature a retina display with 2048 x 1536 pixels, and 264 pixels for each inch.

The rear-facing camera on the new iPad is 5-megapixels which is really awesome better then the previous which just had 2 megapixel.
Camera records video in 1080p again better from iPad 2 which had 720p.

Pricing for wifi only and 4g models
    Pre-orders start today.
    For Wi-Fi only iPads, it will cost
  • $499 for 16 GB

  • $599 for 32 GB

  • $699 for 64 GB.

    For 4G models, it will cost
  • $629 for 16 GB

  • $729 32 GB

  • $829 for 64 GB.

More updates will be added soon.
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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

How to recharge mobile for free without any investment or make money online and free movie tickets also

I have recently come through some websites which is providing free recharges and it is 100% genuine websites.

1) To recharge your mobile for free without any investment
register yourself at this website :click here..

Many other websites checks if you have some balance around 500 to pay you but from this website you can start  recharging your phone on the day you register.
I highly recommend it as it supports all operators like loop, idea, Vodafone, Airtel, Aircel, Uninor etc and many others.

To start your account and start recharging or making money just click here.

other website which is useful for free recharge is
You can also advertise, buy or sell your products for free
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Sunday, March 04, 2012

PL/SQL Procedures

PL/SQL Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are called blocks that allow grouping and organization of SQL commands and PL/SQL. Both source code and the executable are stored in the database. By storing it in the database, the code is situated in accessible and centralized location. Because the executable code is located in the database, invoke stored procedures is more efficient.

We can pass parameters to procedures in three ways.
1) IN-parameters
2) OUT-parameters
3) IN OUT-parameters

A procedure may or may not return any value.

General Syntax to create a procedure is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE proc_name [list of parameters]
Declaration section
Execution section
Exception section

Example Stored Procedure:

(p_id IN employees.employee_id%Type,
p_percent IN NUMBER)
UPDATE employees
SET salary= salary*(1+p_percent/100)
WHERE employee_id = p_id;
END raise_salary;
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